Category: Sin categoría
Science for the kids
We decided to go to the class of the primero infantil of Renedo de Esgueva to introduce these 3 and 4 year olds to chemistry and space. Overall, it seemed like a success. The kids learned about the planets and our solar system. We made little water friends for all of the kids so that…
Check out the new article!
Check out the new article that was written by CORDIS about the project. It gives a general overview of what we have been trying to achieve. You can find it here.
Presentation at UVa
Hi All. If you are in the vicinity of the University of Valladolid, I encourage you to come check out my talk that I will be presenting to potential PhD candidates tomorrow, April 13. The talk will be in the Salón de Grados de las Escuelas de Ingeniería Informática y la Escuela Superior de Telecomunicaciones…
As conferences are an important way for us to share our findings with the scientific community, results from AstroSsearch have been shared and will be shared in the future at several. The 27th International Conference on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy – Sept. 2-6, 2024 I got to present my findings at this wonderful conference that was…
We have a lot of projects that are in progress here in the lab, but we have been able to publish and feature a few of them so far. Here you will find a list of the current publications associated with the project. Come back to see how things progress and the new publications. 1.…
Discharge Nozzle in Action
Ever wondered what a discharge experiment in action looks like? Well after the gas leaves the pulsed expansion nozzle, it passes through a discharge nozzle. This nozzle looks like the schematic in Figure 1, with two copper electrodes that are separated by some distance. These two electrodes are what impart the energy to the gas…