
As conferences are an important way for us to share our findings with the scientific community, results from AstroSsearch have been shared and will be shared in the future at several.

The 27th International Conference on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy – Sept. 2-6, 2024

I got to present my findings at this wonderful conference that was held in Bologna, Italy. There was great science presented alongside the wonderful food and historic atmosphere in Bologna. I received great feedback on my presentation titled “USING NEW DC-DISCHARGE SOURCES TO INVESTIGATE

Presentation for the online Microwave seminar – July 10, 2024

I was invited to present my results on our new discharge nozzle for the online Microwave seminar series. It was a great chance to share my findings with the community and get some initial feedback.

Final General Meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action – 9-12 April, 2024 in Hamburg Germany

I am heading back to Hamburg, Germany, to participate in the Final General Meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action. I have been invited to give a presentation on my work that I have been performing during my time with AstroSsearch. It should be a good meeting so please come and check out the work that we have been doing.

The 76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – June 19-23, 2023

This conference is always a lot of fun as I get to connect with other spectroscopists that I haven’t seen in a long while. Looking forward to presenting “INVESTIGATING THE INTERSTELLAR SULFUR CHEMISTRY THROUGH ROTATIONALLY RESOLVED DISCHARGE EXPERIMENTS“.

I Jornada de Doctorandos en Química – April 13, 2023

As part of my outreach efforts, I gave a presentation at the University of Valladolid during their PhD days for potential PhD students. This allowed them to get an idea of the research that is being performed in the Chemistry department here at UVa, while also getting an idea of the types of careers that they can pursue.

“Investigating the Interstellar chemical complexity through Discharge experiments and spectroscopy”

11th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, 13-17 June, 2022 Prague, Czech Republic

I was invited to give a talk at this conference, and I submitted a talk entitled “Investigating the Interstellar Chemical Complexity through Discharge Experiments and Rotational Spectroscopy”.

VIII Jornadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León: La Aventura de la Ciencia y la Tecnología – April 21-22, 2022 Leon, Spain

To teach young women and PhD students about research that is going on at the university, the Days of Women Investigators in Castilla y Leon was organized. I gave a presentation on my research and had fun interacting with the others that were present.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid seminar series – Online October 29, 2021

I recently gave a presentation to the Chemistry department at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid upon invitation from Sergio Diaz-Tendero. It was a great time and we had some important discussions after the talk about PAHs and the work that I am going to be doing.



